Wednesday 18 December 2019

My initial idea is called  Teaching Upton Sixth Form, an insight into the lives of students who are struggling on a daily basis with exam stress and other daily problems.


Mr Welch - ' People view Upton as a school for delinquents  less educated children and rarely a first choice school. From this we as a school and sixth form, want to educate the community and make them see our potential as a school and become everyone's first choice.'  (VOICEOVER)

Student - ' I actually hate this school'
Sixth former - ' I used to hate lower school but now i have realised they were the best years of my life'

'people view tupton as a school for delinquents' ---- for this i will have a montage of naughty students misbehaving around school.
' less educated students ' ----- video of a student not understanding a question their being asked

School classrooms and social area, also in the courtyard and on the field

I will use natural lighting because its a natural setting.

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